Our 12th (2015-16) hike to maintain the paths of Andros, at Frousei

Twenty three (23) people, 19 adults and 4 children have participated on our 12th hike to maintain the paths of Andros for the period 2015-16, at the Frousei mill village. We have gathered from different areas of the island (Makrotantalo, Pisolimiona, Gavrio, Batsi, Aprovatou, Katakalaioi) and met at the little church of Saint Eirini Xrysovalantou, near the crossroad to Sidontas from where we have descended towards the ravine of Froussei. The day was quite warm…

Walking along the “amboles”, the old leats which fed the old watermills with water, we have passed by the amazing ruins of the mills. After several short breaks in the ravine we have finished our walk at the Kapsala exit where Giannoulis Makrinas, a local good friend, was waiting for us to take us back to our cars at the starting point.

The route was in quite good shape and only some pruning was required in areas where the vegetation has overgrown thus hiding the way marks.

The day was completed with a beautiful swim in the beach of Zorgo followed by lunch.

We thank the lovely group for their participation, good spirits and company.

Soon we will announce a new hike !