At the hike to maintain the path from Batsi to Ano Aprovatou & Paleopolis !

About 40 people have participated at our 9th hike to maintain the paths of Andros on Sunday  the 6th of March 2016. Our participants came from Kalivari, Gavrio, Ano Gavrio, Batsi, Aprovatou, Chora, Ypsilou, Mesathouri, Katakalaioi and Kochylou. Together with our regular participants and many new comers we started our course after being split in 2 groups – the fast and the slower ones- hiking along this long and impressive route. Starting from the parking of Batsi we continued ascending towards the beginning of the so-called “Cobbled route”, an impressive stone paved path all the way up till Aprovatou. Enjoying lovely views towards the west coastline the route was continued along a dirt track at Ano Aprovatou towards the watefalls of Paleopolis, a part that made sad many of us that knew it before it was transformed to a road (as a gorgeous wooded and stone paved at parts path). After passing by the waterfalls of Paleopolis, which seem to have a limited flow this year we have descended towards Paleopolis, a beautiful but quite steep and rough stretch. This long day day was completed with a great meal at Ano Aprovatou.

Our gratitude to the lovely and courageous participants ! A new hike will be announced soon !