Text: Violanti Vratsanou
Photos: Maria Lambriadou

hike during the carnival to the so-called “wide trail “or”arvanitiko trail” of andros
On Saturday 25 February 2023, on the eve of Carnival, a maintenance hike took place on path no. 9, Strapuries-Aprovatou, the so-called “wide trail” or “Arvanitiko trail”. The start was at the sports field of Strapouries at around 11.30 h. The participants were 22 people (including a 7 year old girl) and 5 dogs.

Stop and presentation of the group were made at the spring of Pitrofos, where raki and snacks were offered to the participants. The weather helped, windy but no rain. The scenery was wonderful, the views of the western coastline were stunning. Everybody enjoyed from above the view to Menites, Pitrofos, Paleopolis and Aprovatou, as well as the waterfalls in Paleopolis. The condition of the trail was good, except for the fallen wall stones due to the passage of time and the passage of goats that are rampaging through the area.

The finish was at the “Balcony of the Aegean” at around 16.30 h. Some of the walkers enjoyed a meal at the tavern, but most of them preferred to return early home, perhaps to prepare themselves for the Carnival.