Report of the 13th maintenance hike on route Vourkoti-Saint Nikolaos Monastery-Achla beach

Text: Simon Chytiroglou, Katerina Pantazi

Photos/Videos: Simon Chytiroglou, Despoina Chatzoglou-Petta, Olga Karagianni, Katerina Pantazi, Dimitri Kuris

English translation: Simon Chytiroglou, Julia Walter

The 13th maintenance hike of this year found us gathered without any mishaps in Vourkoti, at 09:30 on Sunday morning, at the common starting point of routes number 2 to Chora, number 6 to Achla beach and number 12 to Arni. The weather showed early on that it would try to test our morale with  high temperatures and no wind. It didn’t succeed!

Before starting the hike to Achla beach, following route number 6, and getting to work with saws and pruners, garbage bags, or simply by moving obstacles (branches, stones) off the path, the 32 participants introduced themselves. Volunteers participating for the first time, as well as volunteers with previous experience of maintenance hikes, had gathered from all over Andros (Aprovatou, Varidi, Vourkoti, Gavrio, Korthi, Menites, Stenies, Fellos, Chones, Chora), together with visitors from Athens and the United Kingdom.

Setting off from the traditional settlement of Vourkoti, where we met noone, since the few permanent residents were gathered in the village church for the Sunday service, we began to descend the rural path and hike towards the Achla river. The difference in temperature between the low-vegetation sections and the shady wooded sections was more than noticeable. And welcome!

The first stop was at the famous bridge of the Achla river, not so much for the purpose of resting but because this place is one of unique beauty. As soon as we sat down, most of us took off our shoes and socks and submerged our feet in the cool running waters of the river, under the dense shade of the centuries-old plane trees and the imposing view of the bridge built by Latin craftsmen around 1500. It didn’t take long for the treat of homemade Korthian raki to appear and be offered round, until the moment arrived when we had to continue our journey and climb up to the monastery of Agios Nikolaos.

The second, shorter break, approximately halfway along the route, was at the courtyard of the Agios Nikolaos monastery. It was required for a refill of our bottles with cool water from the spring of the Monastery. And a toilet stop!

Once we were on the path again, our destination, or rather, destinations, eventually began to be visible. The group was to be split in two for a while, since some stopped to visit the chapel of Saint Charalambos and Saint Georgios and most, after measuring their strength, continued to the beach.  Despite the heat and the kilometers already covered, the pace became faster and the much-longed for plunge into the sea felt ever more imperative.

And if a dip in the clear blue-green waters of Achla sounds like the ideal end to a 12-kilometer maintenance hike, we had further delights to anticipate in the form of a feast. And local cuisine!

Many thanks to all the participants! We look forward to seeing you again on the next maintenance hike in 15 days!

➤ This maintenance hike participated in the “European Walking Day” action of the European Ramblers Association.

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