Gear & necessities

Always wear closed shoes and long trousers since many paths may have overgrown vegetation and in addition you may encounter snakes, especially during spring and summer.

A stick – or baton – is usually useful, though not absolutely necessary.

Have a hat with you and an extra t-shirt to change.

Always let someone know where you are going to hike!

Difficulties along the way

On the tracks, you may find doors or metallic grids used as doors. You are advised to open them and close them again behind you – they are mostly used for keeping out or herding goats.

Sometimes parts of the paths coincide with ravines or small streams, so it is important to have the necessary gear and preferably waterproof hiking boots.

Unfortunately the network is not systematically cleaned or thoroughly signposted. Please check our website for up to date relevant information.

Take into consideration the weather forecast, especially regarding the prevailing winds. Since many paths pass by hilltops exposed to Andros’ strong winds, you might want to choose lower altitude routes on windy days.

You are most welcome to contact us for further information !